I had spent HOURS in front of the computer that week, working on my new website and launching the new look of my business. I knew that I just had to push through until Friday morning, and then I could take a break. On Friday, I left with my sister for the Bangor area, and had one of the most relaxing 48 hours that I can remember in a long time!
I attended the McLaughlin family reunion – sometimes it feels weird to think that used to be my last name! It’s the largest number of McLaughlin relatives we’ve had in the same place, in a very long time 🙂 It was incredible to sit on the dock and read, catch up with my mom, and chat with my extended family members. The following day we spent time with each of our families for the fourth, and then went to my Uncle Brian’s house. He put on the best fireworks show I’ve seen since my honeymoon in Disney!
Not only was this weekend so great for my mental and emotional health, it was also the first weekend in a long time where I did not have any photography obligations! It was awesome! I did end up being my gram’s personal photographer for that reunion, but I’m okay with that 😉 It was nice to start to rediscover why I love photography in the first place!
Here are some more photos from that weekend. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself and take a break from whatever obligations you may have on a daily basis. It’s SO important to recharge and make some time for play 🙂
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