Being an entrepreneur is hard. And sometimes, I don’t think we talk about that enough. Most people look around and see those folks who are super successful and use that as some sort of weird metric for their own success. Except, that’s a terrible way to measure your own life.
Business has been super challenging over the past year or so. I’ve had to step back and do a lot of reflecting and make changes and decisions that have been difficult. 2021 was the craziest, BEST year of my business. To be perfectly honest, a significant amount of what I made that year is what has carried my business this last year and a half. Because I’m neurotic about my budget. And Profit First. 2022 was busy, but a little less, and I decided I needed to slow things down, because I was feeling burned out and like it was too much to manage.
A single mom to two young children, while also working full time, while also keeping a business running. It’s a lot.
So I publicly announced that I would be scaling back. And apparently God was like “Yes, this is what I want for you.” Because that’s what happened. But way more than I expected it to. The Lord is really calling me to a season of rest, and I’ve seen that reflected in my inquiries slowing way down, and honestly, just feeling less hurried and rushed all the time. Less and less I feel like putting on a show for the world.
Business has been so tough this last year and a half. I know it has been for so many. But I can rest now. I don’t need to hustle so hard all the time. Unlike 2020-2021, I’m safe now. I’m not deep in survival mode. I have a full time salary from teaching.
I don’t feel released from photography. I love what I do so dang much. I know it’s one of the callings on my life. I’m still shooting portraits, I’m still second shooting for weddings, and I’m still accepting weddings for 2025 and beyond. However, I know some things need to change moving forward.
I was talking to a friend about some feelings I was having around business and motherhood. That I didn’t want to spend my free weekends in the summer shooting all the time and then being on 24/7 with my kids for 2 weeks at a time. I would literally never recover. If I have to choose between being the best mother I can be, and my business, my kids will win every. single. time.
It’s easy to forget sometimes that we are our own boss. We get to decide the rules. Therefore, I’m creating new rules for my business in this season of life.
So, moving forward, I’m no longer shooting weddings during the traditional school summer. Meaning, I’m not going to shoot weddings once school ends for the year, until it starts up in the fall again. I’ll still shoot in the spring, and the first couple of weeks in June, and then I’m off until September.
I’m not placing as much emphasis on social media anymore, because less than 1% of my inquiries come from there. They all come from google, so that’s where I’ll be focusing my energy (along with making sure my clients continue to have the best experiences ever!) Social media will just be more a fun space for me to showcase my work and connect with folks who have similar passions.
It’s also worth mentioning that I’m planning a reasonably large road trip with my kids in the summer of 2025, so I won’t be available for portraits then either. So.. if you’re hoping to get photos done with me in 2025, let’s start scheduling it sooner than later!
I know this means a loss in income. But I’m going to gain so much more. Business has been stagnant and tough, but I’m still rich in all the ways that truly matter. There will always be time and ways to make more money. But for now? I’m going to rest.

Linda is a Portland-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies from Portland to Boston and across New England. You can see more of her work online at, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly:
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Rest is a beautiful thing Mama
Thank you so much my friend!