Some days, I wake up and I just feel so incredibly blessed and lucky to have this photography business. It was something I never knew I wanted, but now that I have it, I can’t imagine life without it.
Being a business owner can be hard because you have to make all the big decisions yourself, and a lot of those big decisions lead to change. I’ve had to make quite a few of these in the past month or two as I start to transition to the life I’ve always dreamed of living! These changes I’m making are HARD, and they are taking a LOT of work (ever switch studio management systems? oh boy, is it a process!), but they’re worth it. They are the right choices for my family and for my business and it shows that I’m growing.
If it fails, that’s on me. I made these choices and it’s terrifying, but it’s also exciting to feel inspired and to feel like I am one step closer to where I want to be. The fear of failure, I think, prevents a lot of us from making changes that will lead to growth. We get stuck in where we are comfortable. It’s easy to stay here, but in the end your business will suffer for it. Being comfortable where you are isn’t going to get you to your dreams.
Making changes is scary! But if you don’t make those changes and you don’t grow personally and professionally, then you are doing your clients (whatever industry you’re in) a disservice. Each day work toward being the very best you can be in this moment. When you focus on that, making these big decisions gets a little easier, and you’ll experience growth like you’ve never imagined!
2016 is a big year for me, and I’m so excited to see how things look in the end! It’s okay to be afraid, but don’t let it stop you from the opportunity to do really incredible things in your life!
[…] recently wrote a post about how change means you’re growing, whether it’s in a professional or personal […]