I like Instagram. I like to follow really cool accounts. One of these accounts is called Minimal Setups. I love looking through the images of other people’s workspace. It’s SO inspiring! I’ve always loved having things be simple and clutter free and we are currently working on simplifying our house down even more over the next month. Kon-mari method anyone?!
Anyway, one day I showed this Instagram account to Steven, just because I thought it was cool. His response was, “I think I could build you something like this.”
Lo and behold, our second house project was born.
We re-did our entire office nook and I am absolutely in love with the new space and how CLEAN it looks and feels! I know it’s not as minimal as some of the places on the Instagram account, but it feels pretty minimal to me! Especially compared to what it used to be.
I’m almost embarrassed to show the before photos, but it shows you how big of an upgrade we did!
So, here’s the before:
Ugh. So messy. It always drove me crazy! I could never keep it clean!
And here’s the after!!
I LOVE how it came out! Steven built us a floating desk! So it has no legs 🙂 Hopefully whoever buys the house after us likes the desk because it’s not going anywhere, haha.
The purple came out much better than we thought and we love it 🙂
I decided to hang up my degrees since I no longer have a classroom to put them in.
I love succulents! It’s so nice to have some on the desk for me to see every day! Steven topped the desk with hardwood flooring and it looks pretty freakin’ great if you ask me.
And now everything has a place and is super organized and neat!
I married quite the Renaissance Man! 🙂
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