Day 16 – Something difficult about your “lot in life” and how you’re working to overcome it
This reached a whole new level of difficulty. I’m not one to ever talk about things in my life that aren’t going well, or to give the impression that my life is or isn’t difficult. Sure, I could talk about how I’m struggling to balance being a teacher, a grad student, a photographer, and everything else. I could talk about how my need to be organized all the time can be so stressful. The fact that I’ve lost people in my life, just like so many others in this world. Or the fact that I wasn’t able to buy chocolate covered almonds today with Steven at Trader Joe’s.
But this reminded me how truly blessed and grateful I am for the life I have. I’m so fortunate to be able to put food in the cupboards, a roof over my head, gas in the car, and clothes on my back. I can deal with a lot of things going in my life – that’s just how I am. I’m a tough cookie, despite all the crying I’ve done lately :p
I’m so thankful that I can truly say that I have no complaints in my life. The universe has been good to me, and I hope that’s how it stays. And if it doesn’t – I’m sure I’ll find some way to overcome it with grace and dignity!
What about you? What are some challenges that you’re facing?

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