When I was growing up, I looooved watching the show “Sister, Sister” on the Disney channel. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen just about all the episodes they ever made! When we moved to Portland, we got a tv and cable for the first time ever as a couple (well over a year). You can only imagine my excitement when I found out that “Sister, Sister” was now a reality! My sister told me about the show “Tia&Tamera” on Style network, and I was super excited to see it! We were quickly hooked on this show because it was so real. Therefore, every Tuesday night we are planted on our black leather couch together to watch one of our favorite shows together. Naturally, when I saw the episode where Tia made a yoga DVD with Tara Stiles, I wanted it.
Let me tell you, it was one of the greatest choices ever to buy their DVDs.
I have had chronic back pain for YEARS and when I was in college, I saw a physical therapist who specialized in mechanical link therapy, every three weeks to help relieve the pain. We lost our health insurance earlier this year when my husband was laid off, so my visits for my back had to stop. Since starting these yoga DVDs just a few weeks ago, the chronic back pain has been incredibly less, and I am so grateful! I still have my days, but overall, the relief I have gotten from doing yoga is absolutely amazing. Not to mention, I can now work on my flexibility 🙂 so, if you’ve never tried yoga before, you’re missing out!
(Pardon the iPad photo!)
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