A Day In the Life of Lily | Installment 3

Everyone always tells us how happy Lily is, and how she’s just so smiley! She really, truly, is. But on March 29th, she wasn’t. I think she spent 80% of the day crying!

Lily had a cold, and she was totally feeling it. It’s been a long time since she’s been this unhappy for such a long period of time! On her third “Day In the Life,” she…

  • was finally getting the hang of crawling more than just a few steps.
  • she is now eating solid food like mom and dad, though most of it was still in the mashed up phase.
  • she still LOVES her jumper.
  • she’s figuring out how to pull herself up to standing.
  • we got her a new rubber ducky to play with in the bathtub.
  • we went to JoAnn Fabrics – a regular excursion for us now.
  • she stayed in our new favorite robot PJs all day, because why not?
  • she still loves it when her daddy tickles her belly and gives her lots of kisses on her cheek.

Despite the fact that she wasn’t feeling well and cried a lot, she still brought SO much joy to our life that day, and all the days! 🙂

To see her first two installments, click HERE and HERE!

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You can usually find me adding books to my never-ending “to read” list; challenging myself to do things like not shop for a year; sneaking crispy m+ms from my secret hiding spot so I don’t have to share them with my daughter; and melting over seeing my children smiling at each other.

Oh and I guess I should mention - I’m a seasoned Portland wedding photographer who provides not only kick-ass wedding photos, but also a meaningful and laid-back experience from the time you book to the delivery of your final images. 

I share all things personal, business, tips, and life as a mom and business owner here on the blog!

I'm Linda!

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i'm a mama of two, a razzleberry peace tea hoarder, and a photographer

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Photos by linda barry


© Linda barry photography 2023

50 Market St, Ste 1A, #236, South Portland ME 04106
