It feels SO strange to have just finished our final wedding of the season this past weekend. It has been an amazing year with so much growth in my photography skills, and my love and passion for wedding photography has only intensified. I feel so blessed to have been able to start pursuing this passion of mine 🙂 I learned a TON of great tips and tricks that I will definitely be sharing with you all that may come in handy, especially for photographers who are just starting out with wedding photography.
As weird as it will be, I’m secretly glad to finally be getting a break. It is hard work balancing a photography business and a full time job as well, especially when you throw grad school into the mix. My work will not be over, but it will definitely be a lighter load now that all these gorgeous weddings have come to an end. I’ll be spending the winter getting rejuvenated and practicing new skills that will better serve my clients in 2014!
Also, I’m pretty excited to create a blog post that shows my progress from my very first wedding to my final wedding of the year! It should be interesting to see, for sure 🙂
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