#1. I wish I was exaggerating when I say shooting in Kelvin has changed my life.
#2. It took me a little while, but I finally am at a point where I am totally comfortable and happy to help new photographers (and photographers in general) without experiencing feelings of judgement or frustration. We all start somewhere, and in the words of High School Musical, we’re all in this together!
#3. I am BEYOND excited to be traveling to Europe in April with all of my new skills and knowledge! I wish I had known what I know now when I first traveled to Italy in 2011.
#4. Sometimes I feel like a fraud, haha. Like there’s no way I can be considered a professional photographer. But, then I realize that I’m NOT a fraud and I need to have more faith in myself.
#5. Sometimes I daydream about being a full-time wedding photographer. Actually, I lied. Every day I dream of being a full-time photographer.
#6. I stopped following a bunch of photographers on facebook so I can stop comparing myself to them. I only want to compare myself to the photographer I was yesterday.
#7. I am always 110% more nervous to take photos of my friends than people who are perfect strangers.
#8. I just don’t think I can ever learn enough! I crave new knowledge.
#9. Being a photographer has definitely helped lessen my social awkwardness 😉
#10. I take more accidental photos of the ground than I can count.
#11. Eventually I hope to teach Steven everything I know about photography.
#12. I am the worst at printing/scrabooking/framing my own photos. It literally takes me about a year to get around to any photo projects! That’s something I have been working on being better at lately.
#13. Whenever I pop into the online photog gear swap, I immediately want to buy everything I see.
#14. After a year and a half, I feel like I am finally attracting my ideal clients:)
#15. I am so thankful for every person who has come into my life and trusted me to capture precious moments in their lives. Without them, I literally would not be where I am today with my photography.
#16. If you don’t take yourself seriously, then no one else will take you seriously either.
#17. I wish I could dress like Jasmine Star does at weddings.
#18. There is NO SHAME in starting with an entry-level camera and a kit lens. It is NOT the gear that makes a photo, it is the heart behind the camera. Don’t ever forget that.
#19. Being a teacher makes it super hard to attend any of the huge conferences like United and WPPI. I want so badly to go to one of these!!
#20. Pitch Perfect radio on Pandora is my favorite radio station to listen to when I’m writing blog posts and editing photos 🙂
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