I’ve recently started to use a new program called Trello, after seeing Katelyn James talk about it on her blog. I was curious, so I checked it out, and I daresay I’m hooked! Now, I know I can do these same things in my studio management system – Pixifi – but for whatever reason, Trello just speaks to me in a different way! So today, I thought I’d share a few pieces of information about what it is, and how I use it!
The best part about Trello is that it’s a FREE tool for ANYONE to use! I do pay five dollars a month though, so that I can have one of my own photos as the background 😀 I have a pretty solid planner that I use for my personal life and it works really great for me, so I just use this program for my photography business. With that being said, it can literally be used for anything your heart desires!
When you log into Trello, this is the page (below) you will see. It will show you all of your boards that you have created. You’ll see that I just have one, and it’s solely for my photography business. The other board is the welcome board that is loaded with information about getting started, so I just keep it there as a reference.
Once you get into a board, you’ll see the following page:
A board is organized into lists and cards. A LIST is the main categories you see, such as: urgent, to-do, shoots in progress, blog posts, and wedding clients. I have more lists that are on this board, but you have to scroll over to see them all 🙂
Lists are great because I can organize my business into sections in this that I normally work in. A CARD is ONE of the white rectangles you see in a list. Those are the action items, so to speak. Cards are great because you can have due dates, check lists, comments, descriptions, and you can share your lists with other members. This allows you to have a board accessible to more than just you, if you have more than one person that needs to work in it.
I create lists with cards, and color labels. I’m a visual person, and I have a color for different things. It’s just easier for me to scan through and see what’s what. I LOVE the function of the checklists in the cards because it’s so fun to check things off and see your progress change – and once the checklist is complete, there’s a green box that tells you it’s done! Then I move my cards to a done list once I’ve finished the task at hand. Trello also has a mobile app that’s handy because if I have a thought about something I want to blog, or something I need to do, I just add it to the list real quick that way I don’t forget about it.
The mobile app is also great because I get notifications to my phone, my trello board on the computer, and to my e-mail! These notifications are only when you set a due date for something.
Anyway, this is just a quick (and basic) way to explain how I use it! There’s so much more that it can do for you that I haven’t touched on, and that I’m still learning about. Like I said, it can be used for personal items (such as grocery lists, things to do around the house, appointments you need to keep, and so on!) or anything related to business! If you check it out, let me know what you think!
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