Over the past several years, I’ve been super careful about the people I let into my life at a certain level. Especially since I’ve had Lily. I was listening to a podcast recently, and in the interview it was talking about how you’re a reflection of the energy you let into your life, and I couldn’t help but agree 10000% and realize that that is what I’ve actually been doing all of these years.
But, it’s more than just the people you let into your life. It’s the experiences you have and the things you see and do. You ARE the energy you let into your life. If you are surrounded by perpetually negative people, you’re addicted to facebook and all you see is drama and immaturity, that’s going to be in your life, and that’s going to affect you! If you surround yourself with positive people (everyone has their bad days, and that’s fine!), inspiring social media content and putting boundaries on your time, your life is going to look and FEEL so different!
I wanted to share that today as a reminder to you that YOU are the one in control about how you feel about your life. I want to encourage you to look around you if you’re feeling spent, burned out, or just not in a great headspace. What are you surrounding yourself with? Can any of it be changed?
I’m cheering you on, my friend!
Linda is a Boston-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies. You can see more of her work online at lindabarryphotography.com, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly: linda@lindabarryphotography.com. To sign up for the monthly newsletter full of encouragement and real life, click here!
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