Let me start this post by saying two things:
- I’ll never not be in awe of how insanely beautiful our country is.
- This trip to California absolutely would not have been possible if we didn’t stay with friends.
Over February break, me, Lily and James flew from Boston to California to spend five days with our dear friends. They moved out there a little over a year ago now, and it was SO incredible to be able to visit with them! It was incredibly generous of them to host us for that time, transport us to and from the airport, and just help give us an amazing experience for our first time in California.
The plane ride to San Francisco, California
The first question people asked me a lot was “You’re flying across the country on your own with two kids?!” Yep. Yep I was. And I had zero reservations about it. Here are some things that helped make it a smooth trip:
- TSA Pre-check. I have that, and it was a game changer with kids. It was my first time using it with them and they did a fantastic job going through security! James was obsessed with the security machines that moved the bags, haha, he tried sneaking behind the rope to get a closer look.
- We only did carry-ons. Some may think that’s harder, but I prefer it that way because it eliminates waiting in line after your flight/reduces the risk of losing your stuff. My duffel bag and Lily’s little suitcase held our clothes for the week (we knew we’d have access to a washing machine).
- We boarded the plane first. They usually call for families with young children and who need extra time. Single mom with two young kiddos (ages 7 and 3)? Yep, that’s me.
- The kids each had their own backpack that had a myriad of activities and books. Some we never even used, but it was better to have them and not need them.
- Inside their backpack I also packed their bentgo lunch boxes with their dinner. And I had a surplus of extra snacks in my backpack. I actually had a flight attendant comment on how prepared I was, haha, and other adults on the plane commented on how well the kids did, especially after being stuck on the plane for an hour waiting to get to our gate in CA. They were incredible!
Our time in California
We managed to fit a lot in during our time there! We all piled in their mini-van and did a short trip to Big Sur, and it was so fun! It was a first for all of us! We checked out Carmel by the Sea, did a hike in Big Sur, enjoyed good food, and time by the ocean! Along the way to Big Sur it was absolutely gorgeous so we pulled off at a few spots to take in the view.
Of course, we saw the Golden Gate Bridge, and I was so excited about that! James had been WAITING for this part of the trip. He kept asking when we were going to see the big bridges (I showed him a picture once on google, and it pulled up hundreds of them, so I think he thought we were seeing multiple, haha). I think we were all stoked about it! Though, James was NOT a fan of the wind.
They took us to Point Reyes, which ended up being wildly windy and rainy. So just me, Amanda, and Gabriella ventured out to see the little lighthouse. The other kids were (understandably so) totally freaked out by the wind, and stayed behind with Nick in the car. At one point while carrying James, the wind literally knocked me off the sidewalk. I’ve never seen/felt anything like it! All I could do was laugh about how nuts it was. Definitely still worth seeing.
The kids and I had a couple of solo days. I’m so grateful that Nick + Amanda let us borrow a vehicle so we could go do these! One day we went to the Charles Schulz Museum and that was super fun! Another day we went to see the redwood tree forest (absolutely mind blowing), and spent some time by Bodega Bay. I absolutely love how much my kids love the simple adventures. They thought the trees were so cool. And when we finally made it down to the beach at Bodega Bay (we had gotten turned around quite a bit trying to find a path down), they were obsessed with this fun little stream.
Overall, this trip was nothing short of amazing. I’m always in awe of how well my kids do on big trips like these!
The finances
- I paid for our flights 100% with points! I had been hanging on to my points for a while to save it for a big plane trip, and once I knew we’d be going to CA, I held on to them a little longer. I used a total of 150,495 points for three round trip tickets from Boston to San Francisco.
- I didn’t have to pay for airport parking because I was able to leave my car at their dad’s house, and he drove us to and from the airport.
- Food – $208 (including eating out and groceries)
- Excursions – $37
- Air BNB for Big Sur – $200 (it was $400 total, split between the two families)
- Gas – $65
- Souvenirs – $50
- Trip Supplies – $45
- If you were planning a trip to California, the biggest expense you’d have that I didn’t have this trip is lodging, flights, and cars. Like I said, I would not have been able to make this happen with the amazing hospitality of my friends.
The photos

And if you’re on instagram, you can see a fun reel here of our California trip!

Linda is a Portland-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies from Portland to Boston and across New England. You can see more of her work online at lindabarryphotography.com, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly: linda@lindabarryphotography.com.
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