It’s so crazy to think that I’m already on my SIXTEENTH week of my photo challenge! This week’s theme is to take five different photos of one object (essentially just five different angles). At first, I tried doing a mug of lemon water with a straw in it, but I couldn’t get it to come out in a way that satisfied my self-criticism. I spent the rest of the day just looking around my home to find something that I thought was worthy of this theme. I was talking to a fellow photographer to try to get some ideas about what to do, when all of a sudden it hit me like a bag of bricks – HARRY POTTER!
Words cannot express how much I love Harry Potter. I grew up with it (I can remember reading it as a class in the fourth grade, and my parents asking me if I wanted to go to the midnight party at Borders when one of the books came out!), and I own all the books (although the first one has mysteriously disappeared), and have read them several times each! So of course, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (My favorite book) was the perfect solution! 😀 There was still some evening light shining through our window, so I plopped the book on the windowsill and here’s what I came up with!
This page in the book is when Harry is in the memory that he got from Professor Slughorn regarding Horcruxes 🙂
J.K. Rowling is my hero. I honestly cannot imagine my life without Harry Potter!!! I think it’d be a lot of fun to do a Harry Potter styled session!
<3 Linda
Have you read Harry Potter? What was your favorite book? Tell me in the comments!
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