While I was trying to get things prepped and ready to go for the new blog, I never actually posted weeks 9, 10, and 11 in my 52 Weeks of FUN!
Here they are!
Week #9: Dreams. I was blessed enough to be able to travel to Australia for three weeks, as part of a student ambassador program, the summer before my senior year of high school. I absolutely fell head over heels in love with the country, and decided then and there that I would go back, and I would live there. When I first met my husband, Steven, it was one of the first things I learned about him – his desire to move to Australia, also. Uhm, thanks Universe for giving me the ultimate sign that I had met my soul mate! Anyway, we still hold onto the dream to move to Australia and actually hope to accomplish this dream in the next two years!
Week #10: Love. I absolutely love my husband. Hands down. I also love scrapbooking – even though I don’t necessarily have the time to do it very often. I love, even more, when my husband surprises me with cute little gifts. Like this amazing pad of scrapbooking paper! I can’t wait to use it! 🙂
Week #11: Music. Me and my husband love music. We have some different tastes in music, and I love how many different types of artists he has exposed me to. He has a phenomenal record collection – which is a pain to move! – and a record player. I love the record player. It reminds me of listening to the old radio when I was a little kid until I would fall asleep. We don’t use his record player very often, but when we do, I could just listen to it all day!
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