I have been working really hard to keep up with reading business books this year so that I can continue to grow. The book I just finished was “Poke the Box” by Seth Godin. I really like his books and his style of writing. I also read “Purple Cow” last year by Seth Godin, and loved it.
What I really loved about this book is that it was short and to the point. It was all about helping me to understand that I have to START something. I can’t just sit back and do what I always do and expect changes. I need to be a starter, and I need to share my ideas with people who can help make them happen. It also helped me realize that failure isn’t a bad thing. Failure means that I tried. Many people don’t try new things, or start making their ideas come to life because they are afraid of failing. I don’t know when society started to make us think that failure is a bad thing, because it is not. Failure is what helps us grow. It gives us courage to keep trying.
If you need some motivation about putting those ideas of yours into action, I definitely recommend this book. I really really enjoyed it 🙂
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