It has been a crazy few months! So much has gone on lately, and I’m super happy about them, that I want to share them with you!
- Steven and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary, by going out to eat at Bruno’s. Woot woot!!
- I learned that I’m terrible at painting giraffes at the Muse Paintbar. SO fun! Hopefully when I go back, I don’t choose any more animal paintings.
- We had an amazing anniversary vacation back in July.
- We just moved into a new place! Goodbye maggots and mold, hello awesome neighbors and lots of natural light!! 😀
- I started my third year of teaching, and I’m actually pretty excited about the potential this year holds for me.
- I’m two weeks away from finishing my adolescent psychology graduate course. Then I only have two more courses until I get my Master’s degree!
- Me and the mister tie-dyed a set of bedsheets, and I LOVE them.
- We just found a bunch of movie theater posters from a yard sale down the street, and they’re pretty much the greatest thing ever.
- We are first time owners of a washer and dryer, and it’s the coolest thing ever. I’m pretty sure we have officially entered adulthood.
What are some fun and awesome things that have happened in your life lately?
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