Can you believe it? This is the NINTH installment of our “Day in the Life of Lily” photo series! Our last one was in January, and that’s when we decided to start spacing them out about six months or so, since physically she wasn’t changing as quickly! I am so proud of us for doing this series, and I’ve started getting them printed into books and I just love them 🙂
Well, this DITL happened on July 9th, so I’m a little late to posting it, haha, especially because now our gardens look like monsters compared to what they’re like in these photos! This is our first installment since we made the move to MA and are in a new place! Steven had the day off, so it felt like the natural choice to choose that day! Our day was full of meal prep, a walk to the blue mailbox (Lily LOVES doing this!), time outside tending to our gardens, lots of reading, and lots of giggles 🙂
Since our last installment:
- Lily is so very capable in the kitchen, to the point where it’s actually really challenging sometimes to be cooking while she’s there, haha. But I love her curiosity and just how quickly she can move that little step stool around that kitchen to get to wherever I am!
- She has her own watering can and she really loves going outside each day to water the garden! She just loves being outside in general, and it can be a struggle to get her back inside.
- Lily loves to RUN everywhere, haha.
- Her language has absolutely exploded and she’s saying full sentences now. She’s still speaking a lot of her own language but it’s so cool to hear her words develop!
- She can dress herself, and she loves pulling clothes out of her room to put over whatever she’s wearing. She also likes dressing her “meow-meow.”
- She’s still in a crib for the time being.
- I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’m pretty sure Lily is more obsessed with reading than she was before! Definitely not complaining!
- Lily loves to work out with me in the living room and it’s probably the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
- She has SO much hair! And it’s starting to get curly! When I was pregnant, we didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl, but all I wanted was for our baby to have hair like Steven’s, and I *think* she’s on her way to being like that!
- She’s learning how to throw a ball and jump!
- We aren’t actually potty training yet, but Lily sure does love to take off her clothes and diaper and sit on it!
- Her favorite game is “Where’s Lily?!” and she’ll hide her face behind anything she can find, hahaha.
Things keep getting more challenging, but also even better as she moves through each stage of her life! We are so lucky to have such a wonderful little human to call ours! Check out some of my favorites from her recent Day In the Life!
Thanks for following along this journey! Here are the past installments if you wanna see how she’s grown! ONE // TWO // THREE // FOUR // FIVE // SIX // SEVEN // EIGHT //
Linda is a Boston-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies. You can see more of her work online at, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly: To sign up for the monthly newsletter full of encouragement and real life, click here!
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