6 Things You Should Include In Your Wedding Invitations

I’ve seen a LOT of wedding invitations over the past 4 years (or is it 5?) of photographing weddings. It’s amazing that I’ve never seen the same invitation twice! They’re so easy to customize to your wedding and your style as a couple! However, when it comes to wedding invitations there are some things that should always be included!

6 Things to Include in Your Wedding Invitation by Linda Barry Photography

  1. The invitation.

    No brainer, I know, but the invitation itself is pretty important! Make sure the invitation includes the actual address of the venues, and not just the names!

  2. RSVP card.

    This is pretty important. What’s even MORE important is having an envelope that is already stamped for your guests to send the card back to you! This makes it much easier and more likely for them to actually reply. On the RSVP card is usually a space for them to denote how many people are going as well as dinner options for them to choose from.6 Things to Include in Your Wedding Invitation by Linda Barry Photography

  3. Registry card.

    Include a little card that lets them know which places you’ve registered at, so that they know what you need as a couple! Super handy!

  4. Directions.

    Sometimes there is a little card for directions of how to get to places if you’re going to have a lot of guests from out of town. This can be really helpful! Sometimes it’s just a map and the directions printed from the internet.

  5. Lodging.

    I’ve often seen that the bride and groom will block off a section of rooms at a local hotel for guests that are arriving in from out of town. It’s good to have a card that explains this if you’re doing this for your wedding! It makes it easier for your guests to find rooms and can sometimes get them a discounted rate.

  6. The wild card.

    Several times I’ve seen what I would call the “wild card” in invitations that can quite literally be anything! Sometimes it’s directions for how to contact an uber for after the reception. Sometimes it’s a fun card asking what songs you want to hear at the reception. Sometimes it’s a card that includes hashtags for social media. This doesn’t always exist, but when it does, it’s really up to the couple to decide what it’s going to be!


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6 Things to Include in Your Wedding Invitation by Linda Barry Photography

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You can usually find me adding books to my never-ending “to read” list; challenging myself to do things like not shop for a year; sneaking crispy m+ms from my secret hiding spot so I don’t have to share them with my daughter; and melting over seeing my children smiling at each other.

Oh and I guess I should mention - I’m a seasoned Portland wedding photographer who provides not only kick-ass wedding photos, but also a meaningful and laid-back experience from the time you book to the delivery of your final images. 

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i'm a mama of two, a razzleberry peace tea hoarder, and a photographer

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Photos by linda barry


© Linda barry photography 2023

50 Market St, Ste 1A, #236, South Portland ME 04106
