Tuesdays Together in Portland!

tuesdays together

“A rising tide lifts all ships.” This is the foundation of the Rising Tide Society where they value community over competition. In an industry where everything can be so competitive and lonely, they’re forming this movement where they give that up. They want to SUPPORT and ENCOURAGE other business owners. Not even just photographers. But anyone can attend these monthly meetings where everyone just talks and connects.

I’m so excited to have joined the Portland Tuesdays Together group! I’m used to doing a lot of meet-ups and connecting with other photographers in the Boston area, so it’s nice to start to get to know other business owners and creatives in my own area! If you’re in Portland and own a business, you should check it out! I’m excited to see this group grow 🙂

After all, a rising tide lifts all ships!


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  1. Hi there! My name is Theresa Wooner and I’m a photographer from Bakersfield, Ca and I’m a member of our local Tuesday’s Together. At the end of this month, myself and a fellow photographer friend from our area are traveling to Portland for the weekend. We currently have two sessions booked with my sister and a friend of hers while we’re there but we’re hoping to have the opportunity to do more! Do you have any ideas or recommendations for how to find opportunities while we’re there?

    Thank you so much for your time!

  2. lindabarryphoto says:

    Hi Theresa! Unfortunately, I’m no longer in the Portland area! I think if you try reaching out to the Tuesdays Together Portland group on FB you may have better luck!

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You can usually find me adding books to my never-ending “to read” list; challenging myself to do things like not shop for a year; sneaking crispy m+ms from my secret hiding spot so I don’t have to share them with my daughter; and melting over seeing my children smiling at each other.

Oh and I guess I should mention - I’m a seasoned Portland wedding photographer who provides not only kick-ass wedding photos, but also a meaningful and laid-back experience from the time you book to the delivery of your final images. 

I share all things personal, business, tips, and life as a mom and business owner here on the blog!

I'm Linda!

hi friend!

i'm a mama of two, a razzleberry peace tea hoarder, and a photographer

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Photos by linda barry


© Linda barry photography 2023

50 Market St, Ste 1A, #236, South Portland ME 04106
