These last few weeks have been feeling pretty stressful on so many levels. There have been two major incidents that really take the cake though, that make everything else feel pretty minor.
A few weeks ago, Lily and I went to Kettle Cove to do some exploring and take photos for my print shop. She was having SO much fun being able to run wild and free now that she’s walking SO well!
Then Lily’s friend Sephy showed up and we did more exploring and as I was taking photos of the two littles playing on the beach, my camera stopped working. Just stopped. The day before my last wedding of the season. I thought it was the memory card at first, but nope, it was the shutter. The shutter just straight up broke.
Earlier that week, during the wind storm, a tree got uprooted in our backyard, but it didn’t fully tip over. It just leaned ominously over our shed into another tree.
We were able to get it down, but it left SUCH a mess. An incredibly overwhelming mess, that our homeowner’s insurance wouldn’t end up covering. Both of these happening within the same week left heavy burdens on our minds, time, and finances. But you know what? I found the silver linings:
- The camera broke the morning BEFORE my wedding. I would have been 10,000 times more stressed had it broken during the wedding day. I ALWAYS have two cameras on me during a wedding, so I would have been fine, but I am much more comfortable having two, just in case. So, I was able to find a local camera shop that I didn’t know rents gear, and I was able to get another camera to use that worked just fine. The silver lining here is that I had the time to get another backup camera, without having to go out and straight up buy a new camera body. I was still able to shoot beautiful images the following day, and now I know of an awesome local resource for times like this – though I hope there’s never a time like this again. And, this is covered under my business insurance so I can get the necessary repairs made. It’s also good that it was my last wedding. Because now I have the one camera left for regular sessions and I’m completely comfortable with that!
- We now are going to have a bigger, and more beautiful, backyard! Sure, we just spent a lot of time in the yard already this summer, digging up rocks and planting and growing new grass, but now we can make it better. We have an incredible neighbor who let us use his work truck to get the tree down in a much more timely manner. It happened to be raining that day, and Steven already had the day off from work, so he wasn’t able to climb but he could get this first step done. Then, just this past weekend we finally got all of the brush and tree branches cleared out. We rented a wood chipper from a place down the road and we had wonderful friends come over and help us clean up. We still have a good deal of work to do again in the spring, but all of the majorly overwhelming stuff is gone now.
I share this today to ask you, is there something in your life that seems overwhelming and negative? Is there a way to turn it on it’s head and find something positive out of it?! When you find the positive, it makes it so much easier to get through!!
Linda is a Maine-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies. You can see more of her work online at, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly: To sign up for the monthly newsletter full of encouragement and real life, click here!
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