Portland, Maine Wedding Photographer :: Year in review :: Linda Barry Photography

2013 year in review

When I look back over this past year – seeing where I was on January 1st, and where I am today on December 31st – all I can say is WOW.

never would have thought that I’d actually have come as far as I have. I had this silly little dream of being a wedding photographer, and it’s coming true each and every day. I am still in awe that I am able to have two careers that I absolutely adore. I have put so much work and time into my business, and I’ve helped it grow. It doesn’t just happen on its own, and that’s a hard lesson I had to learn this year. It’s been so hard for me, and there are some days where I just want to throw my hands up in the air and quit – there’s no way I can compete with the other photographers in the area! Then I remind myself that it is not about competition. It is about serving wonderful people and providing them with amazing memories of the most special times in their lives.

2014 is going to be amazing, I just know it. It’s the first full year where I KNOW I can make it happen. It’s the first full year where I might actually be able to provide extra income to our family from this small business of mine. Words can’t express how much I want to read, learn, and practice this year and continue to put love and energy into my photography so that my business can continue to serve people over and over again.

Your heart has to be in it for the right reasons, I think, in order for something like this to be meaningful and prosperous, and Lord knows that my heart is in it for the right reasons.

Thank you SO much to all of the people that have supported me over the past year, and who will continue to support me over this coming year. It means the world to me to know that you think I can do this, and that you trust me to do this for you. More than you will ever know.



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You can usually find me adding books to my never-ending “to read” list; challenging myself to do things like not shop for a year; sneaking crispy m+ms from my secret hiding spot so I don’t have to share them with my daughter; and melting over seeing my children smiling at each other.

Oh and I guess I should mention - I’m a seasoned Portland wedding photographer who provides not only kick-ass wedding photos, but also a meaningful and laid-back experience from the time you book to the delivery of your final images. 

I share all things personal, business, tips, and life as a mom and business owner here on the blog!

I'm Linda!

hi friend!

i'm a mama of two, a razzleberry peace tea hoarder, and a photographer

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Photos by linda barry


© Linda barry photography 2023

50 Market St, Ste 1A, #236, South Portland ME 04106
