Well, we’re already four days into August! Before I know it, it’ll be the new year! Below are my goals for August, and I’ve decided to also include my personal goals along with my business ones 🙂
- Read  “Getting Things Done” by David Allen
- Do really awesome at the four sessions I have this month! I am SO excited to share a very special one I have planned!
- Make sure Becky has everything she needs from me during our first wedding out of a six weekend stretch.
- Start brainstorming for the Harry Potter styled session.
- Continue working on getting my name out there, especially with the next ThinkLocal! event that I am shooting at.
- Buy a new lens. The trick is deciding which one I want!
- LEARN so much at the Trevor Dayley Gamechangers workshop 🙂
- Finish the reSTART workshop on creativelive.
- Get caught up on my photo challenge – for real.
- Be more consistent with drinking warm lemon water and tea.Â
- Exercise at least three times a week.
- Read two books for pleasure 🙂
- Get my classroom all set up.
- Plan out a four day mini-vacation for our two year wedding anniversary.
- Get some lesson plans complete.
- Shift to a school sleeping schedule.
- Re-organize the bedroom.
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