I’ve decided to start a new blog series, which means I’ll post about the same topic from time to time! I’m calling it “True Confessions,” where I’ll tell you ten things that you (probably) don’t know about me! I’m actually pretty excited about this, because I never know what to say about myself!
#1. Me and my husband were engaged after four months, and married three months later.
This doesn’t always work for everyone, but it worked out perfectly for us, and I can’t imagine spending my life with any other man! We’ve been married for a year and a half now 🙂
#2. I look up to Tia&Tamera. So much so that I am going to write a blog post about how they’ve inspired me, next week! Don’t judge 🙂
#3. I overuse and underuse my planner – all at the same time. Most of the time, I’ll plan out every hour of my day in my planner, but then I won’t look at it again. This is sort of counterproductive, because I don’t always get to everything I planned! I need to be better at this. And, if you try to ask me to do something that day, but it’s not in my planner, I won’t do it. But, in my defense, I once read somewhere that taking 20 minutes to plan out your day adds 15% more productivity to it! Or maybe that’s backwards. You get the idea 🙂
#4. My parents are deaf, which makes me a CODA (child of deaf adult). I had a really cool lifestyle growing up because of this, and I view the world so differently now because of it. However, I feel super self conscious about signing around those who are deaf or hard of hearing because I haven’t lived at home in a few years :/
#5. Being a teacher wasn’t always my first choice. Yes, I did line up my stuffed animals and take roll call as a little kid. I taught them how to do math and read books. But I always wanted to be a marine biologist. I still do, but being a teacher was more logical. Don’t get me wrong – I absolutely adore teaching. I was just fortunate enough to have a million and three different career ideas :p
#6. I don’t particularly like going shopping. I have this bad habit of talking myself out of getting whatever it is I want!
#7. I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter. It will always win out over ANYTHING on tv, and I can’t wait to have time to sit down and read the entire series again this summer! I’m hoping reading them again will help me find the perfect tattoo for Harry Potter 🙂
#8. I worked in the fast food world for almost six years. Today, it feels like that part of my past never really existed!
#9. I don’t ever feel stressed. I’m not sure if this is because I’m truly not stressed, or my coping skills have significantly improved over the years.
#10. Not living in an apartment complex is something I look forward to very much! With any luck, that will be a reality in just a few months!
There- ten things you didn’t know about me! I’m actually pretty excited for the next one of these that I do!
What is something that people (probably) don’t know about you? Tell me about it in the comments!
[…] this is going to be a similar truth post as my previous ones, but it’s going to be about my wedding! Before I start this I would like to say that I […]