Day 24- Your top 3 worst traits
#1. I put the PRO in procrastination. I have a really bad habit of putting things off until the last minute. Mind you, I’ve never missed a deadline, but man oh man, no matter how many times I put it on my to-do list… it doesn’t get done until the last minute. But really, if my professors stopped giving me hundreds on my papers, then I’d probably finally have some motivation to get things done earlier :p
#2. I put myself last. I think that this is good AND bad. I think it’s good, because I care so deeply for people that I always put their needs before their own. Until I have a slight mental breakdown and feel like I’ve lost myself, I will put people’s needs first. I need to learn that I need to put myself first an equal amount of time, because I need to take care of ME first, otherwise I’ll be no good to anyone else!
#3. I really struggle to put the laundry away as soon as its done. Honestly, I like the wrinkled look. I think it really gives me the crazy scientist air 🙂 I’ve been better about putting it away as soon as its done, instead of letting it sit in the hamper for hours or days, because it brings me such satisfaction. Apparently it’s not enough of a driving force!
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