This is the FIRST summer since I was sixteen years old that I have the option of working. I feel so truly blessed and fortunate to be able to have the luxury this year of choosing when I want to work this summer, and where I want to work this summer. Being a teacher has awesome perks! With that being said, I have NO idea what I’m going to do with all that “free” time!
Here are some things that I’m looking forward to so much this summer!
#1. Shooting weddings. I’m so excited to see how much I grow over the weddings I have lined up this summer! Really, the rest of the year!
#2. Working on my business. I’m really excited to put in an increased amount of time in laying the groundwork and foundation of my business. I can’t wait to work on all my ideas and goals for this year 🙂
#3. READING HARRY POTTER. I absolutely ADORE Harry Potter – in case you haven’t noticed from my facebook 🙂 It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and read the series from start to finish. Let’s be real. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and read any book for pleasure 🙂 But – Harry Potter is on the to-do list for the very first week I have of vacation!
#4. Beach time. I’m pretty determined to go to the beach once a week and just relax with a book and some delicious snacks. I’m also determined to NOT get sunburned. Since we live so close to the beach, it’s now a reality!! Now.. to find a new bathing suit 😀
#5. Working on my curriculum. I’m actually very excited to begin re-vamping my curriculum for whatever district awaits me 🙂
#6. Sleeping in until 8am every day. I’m going to try really hard to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. Sleeping until 8am sounds absolutely phenomenal 🙂
#7. Traveling and seeing friends. Spending quality time with my husband and friends is definitely a high priority for me this summer! I can’t wait to see what new places we’ll see and the memories we’ll make!
#8. YOGA. Having time to do yoga everyday, and to do other sorts of exercise, is really exciting for me.
#9. Rock climbing. Rock climbing rocks! I can’t wait to climb some areas around here that I haven’t seen yet! I’m excited at the thought of being able to improve! 🙂
Summer of 2013 is going to be incredible, and I’m a mere two weeks away from it! I cannot wait! What are some things that you are looking forward to this summer?!
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