I’m really OCD about planning things. I plan my life, I plan my business, and I even plan my meals. I created my own planner for the year 2013, because all the planners that exist just weren’t working for me!
One of the pieces that I created was a meal planner! I absolutely love it! I just created a week with little boxes for each day – that’s where I list the meal! I then put any ingredients that I need to buy (i.e. don’t already have in the cupboard!) under that square. In the lower right, there’s also a section for regular grocery items for lunch, breakfast, snacks and anything else you may need! I look forward to pulling out a fresh meal planner every Friday to prepare for groceries! This also keeps me from buying a bunch of extra food that I may not need because I don’t know exactly what I want to eat!
Have you ever planned out your meals? How does it work for you?
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