25 for 25 | Personal


Photo by Amanda Hedgepeth Photography

Photo by Amanda Hedgepeth Photography

I recently turned 25, and was able to keep it fairly quiet and under wraps. I don’t really like making a big deal out of my birthday. I’d rather those who are closest to me spend that day with me wishing me a happy birthday. Not to mention, I truly believe that our mothers should be celebrated on our birthdays – after all, they’re the ones who worked to bring us into this world!  Plus, I really did not like hearing people say “how’s it feel to be halfway to 50?” or “you’re a quarter of a century old!”  But if someone asks me my age, I literally need to count to figure it out. It’s just not something I think about often! haha!

This past year has been an interesting year for me, so here are 25 thoughts as I turn 25!  They are random and are of no relation to each other, but they are REAL and they are ME.


  1. You think you’d know yourself, right? But this past year I’m REALLY figuring out who I am and embracing it and loving it! For example, I’m not a statement necklace girl. It looks great and they’re pretty but that’s just not who I am. I’m also not the type of girl who organizes and decorates my house in themes, but rather, just things that I love and want to put in my home. But, I sure do love going into homes and seeing how beautifully they are decorated! Again, I’m learning that’s just not something that is ME. I wanted to be this at one point, but now I’ve just accepted who I am, in a lot of different areas of my life!
  2. I’d really much rather stay home and read a book in bed than go out and do something.
  3. I don’t have many close friends in this area. However, the handful of close friends I do have are so special and important to me!
  4. I’m finding that I’m choosing Netflix over reading a lot lately, and I feel it happening, and I hate it.
  5. I really don’t like depending on technology. I don’t want to be consumed by social media and I’ve worked SO hard to create space between me and it.
  6. With that being said, my phone is slowly dying and the thought of having to buy another phone because I *need* it is such an inner struggle for me.
  7. I don’t know how I lived without a crockpot before. I don’t use it all the time, but when I do I’m so grateful.
  8. I’m just grateful. We have a great space, there’s more light in my life, and we are healthy and happy. Nothing else really matters.
  9. Being grateful just makes everything seem bearable, and less scary than I think it is.
  10. I’ve put myself out there a LOT lately for Vemma, and it’s terrifying, but I’m proud of myself.
  11. I am my harshest critic and am really hard on myself when I don’t accomplish the goals I’ve set, or if I’m not where I think I should be.
  12. You don’t GO on a diet. You HAVE a diet. Lifestyle changes, people!
  13. I finally figured out my Harry Potter tattoo and I’m so excited to get it done (hopefully this year)!
  14. I wanted so badly to NOT like the show New Girl, but I got sucked into it and I love it.
  15. I can’t imagine my life without yoga.
  16. I’m glad that my sister is my best friend.
  17. Simple is better, I promise.
  18. I really enjoy cleaning things out and getting rid of things. I used to think that I NEEDED certain things, but I feel such freedom when I get rid of it. It also makes decisions a lot EASIER if I have less options!!
  19. I really wish trying to get pregnant didn’t cost so damn much.
  20. I’m SO excited to travel with my husband this summer for our fourth wedding anniversary. It’s going to be such a kick-ass trip.
  21. Sometimes, while I’m at work, I can’t believe that I’m actually a teacher. That it’s my job! So neat! On the same note, when I’m at weddings, I can’t believe I actually get to do this job that I love!!
  22. Not using regular shampoo and conditioner for over a year now has been so cool. It really upped my level of confidence and made me realize that who cares if my hair looks a little dirty? It’s clean when it matters, and I’m not putting chemicals in my body. If people don’t like it, well, I just don’t care. Take that society!
  23. This photography business literally just fell into my lap all those years ago, and I’m so glad it did! It’s taken a lot of hard work to get to where I am and I am so proud of myself and happy to look back at the work I’ve created!
  24. Photography workshops and mentoring that I’ve done lately have been super meaningful and I’m so glad I did them!
  25. I want genuine people in my life. I don’t gossip, and I don’t believe in playing games. If you want to be my friend, then be genuine and be supportive. It can’t be one-sided because that is frustrating and unfulfilling. It’s not fair either. If you’re not nice to the waiter, or nice to the people around you, I don’t want to be around you. I want to fill my world with positivity and laughter.

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You can usually find me adding books to my never-ending “to read” list; challenging myself to do things like not shop for a year; sneaking crispy m+ms from my secret hiding spot so I don’t have to share them with my daughter; and melting over seeing my children smiling at each other.

Oh and I guess I should mention - I’m a seasoned Portland wedding photographer who provides not only kick-ass wedding photos, but also a meaningful and laid-back experience from the time you book to the delivery of your final images. 

I share all things personal, business, tips, and life as a mom and business owner here on the blog!

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i'm a mama of two, a razzleberry peace tea hoarder, and a photographer

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Photos by linda barry


© Linda barry photography 2023

50 Market St, Ste 1A, #236, South Portland ME 04106
