Bryan is the second solo male I’ve ever taken photos with, besides my husband, and I’m so thrilled about how they turned out! Bryan was such a sweet guy, and didn’t put up a fuss at all with my scatterbrained self, and walked all over Cascade Park with me so I could get different shots. It warmed my heart when he asked me to be careful when I was balancing over a small stream of water. So adorable! I found out that Bryan is more of the serious type, and wasn’t excited to have photos taken (what male is?! haha), but I was able to get a few laughs from him during our session (score!!). I wish him the best with his life in the service (Air Force, if I remember correctly!) after he graduates from high school in 2013. I have no doubt he’ll do a fine job helping to protect our country! Take a look at a few more photos from our session!
I also got to do some family shots of these three, and they were all so good! Me and Bryan’s youngest sister tried to make fire with two sticks, but we were both a little rusty 😉
I LOVED his leather jacket.
At this point I was standing on a picnic table, and when I was walking backwards, I managed to hit myself in the face with my flash on my camera. Bryan either didn’t notice, or just didn’t say anything. It made me giggle inside 🙂
Bryan, thank you for allowing me to do your senior photos! I had a blast!
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