About halfway through my pregnancy, it occurred to me that I should think about birth and baby education classes. You know me, I’m all about being as prepared as possible! However, the thought of sitting through weeks of birthing classes wasn’t really appealing to me, especially since Steven’s schedule isn’t consistent, and well, it was really expensive.
In the Portland area, there is an organization called Birthroots, and they are incredible!! I’m SO glad we took two classes with them (each lasting 2.5 hours), and I got a LOT of information and reassurance from it. We also did a yoga workshop with Greener Postures for labor and delivery, and that was really beneficial as well!
The two classes we took with Birthroots were Baby Basics, and Breastfeeding Basics. I got way more out of the breastfeeding class than the Baby Basics, but both were really great! These are just TWO of the MANY classes and programs they offer! They truly are all about encouraging and supporting one another as we take on these new roles as parents! If you’re in this area, I highly encourage you to check out what they have to offer. I feel so much better about labor, delivery, and life after giving birth thanks to these classes!!
Short and sweet, but I just wanted to put this resource out there for moms and dads who may not have heard of it before!!
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[…] Huh? I was getting mixed signals to say the least! (Side note, if you have the opportunity to take a class on breastfeeding, I highly recommend […]