She was calmly dipping her green shovel in and out of the water and whispering to herself. There was the occasional giggle and squeal. My heart could have burst from being so proud. This was the longest amount of time that Lily has sat in a little tide pool and played and actually had fun!
Eventually she tried eating a handful of wet sand and she was all done with the water after that. But still, I was such a proud mama, and I am so overjoyed to see her enjoy the beach! I cannot wait to have more beach days with her! Lily was so worn out from the beach that she immediately fell asleep on the car ride home and even stayed asleep while we made a quick stop at Hannaford.
We did Lily’s fifth installment of “A Day in the Life,” on the fourth of July and it was so special! It was also a little bittersweet because I know that it’s probably the last installment where we will be breastfeeding! It was such a high quality family day and we spent almost four hours at the beach with our good friends Calvin, Jenny and Ellie, and ended our day with such a fun BBQ!
Since the last session:
- We have to nurse in her bedroom in the rocking chair, because she gets too distracted anywhere else.
- She has yet another tooth, bringing her total up to SEVEN!
- Lily has discovered the dishwasher, the fridge, and magnets! So much fun to play with these with her! It’s also a great way for her to keep herself entertained while I get food ready!
- Lily is obsessed with books, and it’s so awesome to see her play with them a lot!
- She will walk while she’s holding on to our hands.
- She’s cruising along furniture like a pro!
- One of her favorite things to do is stand up and peek over the edge of the couch.
- Lily laughs approximately 784 times a day. 😉
- Her hair is really starting to look more strawberry blonde!
- We love to eat outside at our new patio set whenever we can. So many memories are being made around that table!
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I look forward to these every month. I am so happy for your sweet family!
Aw, Kirsti, I’m so happy to hear that! Thank you! 🙂