I take a lot of photos for social media content, because I believe in the power of showing up in your own feed. I also take a lot of photos just for myself to have. A fair amount of time, I’ll ask Steven to help me take a photo, but I do it myself a LOT of the time. Mostly because I feel awkward about it, haha.
But, I started doing something back in December that totally changed the ease in which I can take photos of myself without anyone’s help! If you can believe it, it’s NOT the self timer!
One of the most frustrating pieces of using the self timer for me was trying to nail the focus. I always was doing some sort of weird limbo trying to get it to focus on my body and not the background, or putting objects roughly where I was supposed to be and then moving them at the last second while I hopped in place. My success rate was SUPER low, and it was frustrating!
Wanna know what changed the game for me? The interval timer! This is my go to now when I’m trying to get photos of myself or of just me and Lily when no one else is around!
The best part of using the interval timer is that it will adjust the focus for you! I am in focus almost 100% of the time now and it’s so freaking great!
You have to look in your camera settings to find where it is, but it’s in the menu! You will set how many photos you want it to take, and how far apart they should be. I usually do 4 or 5 photos in a row, with 2 seconds in between. This way I can make some slight variations to see what I like better, without having to get up and re-do the whole setup every time I take a photo!
The only downside to the interval timer is that (mine at least is this way) it doesn’t start right away. You have to set the time to start about 2 minutes later. Which is nice because it allows you to get in place without rushing too much, but sometimes there’s too much time, haha! Once it reaches the time it’s supposed to start, it’ll re-focus, and then boom! It’ll fire off a series of shots and you’re done! I like to use this with Lily sometimes while we’re playing, and I’ll have it set to fire off 20 or 30 shots and it’s super fun 🙂
This has been so amazing for me, and I hope that it can be helpful to one of you!!
Linda is a Boston-based photographer specializing in weddings and creating family legacies. You can see more of her work online at lindabarryphotography.com, on Instagram, or on Facebook. If you want to reach out directly: linda@lindabarryphotography.com. To sign up for the monthly newsletter full of encouragement and real life, click here!
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